Saturday, October 30, 2010

trick or treat...

so it's Halloween night and i'm trying to sew-sew-work while handing out candy to all the kiddies in the 'hood.  i'm sure little Cisco and Arsala are on the edge of hysteria, considering they reach a new level of freak-out every time the doorbell rings, and it has ding-donged about one hundred times tonight.  poor kitties.... 

i don't know why, but i've never really gotten into the whole Halloween bonanza.  it doesn't make much sense since i'm a designer and a total escapist.  you'd think i would delight in having the opportunity to pretend to be someone else and make a costume for it!  eh, not so much.  i think young Shea liked Halloween...but it was probably just the buzz from all the candy.  by the way...since when do kids not even bother with a costume, but still expect a handful of chocolate just for walking around with a WalMart sack and saying "trick or treat"?  (or is that just my neighborhood?!)  now sure, i was Madonna, circa Like a Virgin, for two or three years in a row...but i was a fan, and at least i tried! 
but all Grinchy-witchyness aside, i'll admit that considering how crazy expensive the candy is, the costumes are probably why blame a parent for shoo-ing the kids out the door for some un-costumed candy grabbing.

well anyway, enough of that.  Deluxe is quickly approaching, and i'm realizing that getting into my studio and making all these bags is really turning into a chore.  once i have any sort of obligation, i start to shut down...some spin-off of my crazy commitment issues?  but i'm bucking up, thinking positive, and being productive!  well, fairly productive's what i've done today, and tomorrow i'll do more!  Happy Halloween blog-land!

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