Tuesday, February 23, 2010

here goes....

well it's been three days since i set up this dazzling blog. i must say, it is a lot harder than i thought! to get over the "who the hell wants to read what i have to say" voice in my head has been tough. but if you have read the "about me" section over to the right, you'll find i DID indeed get over it! has there ever been more said in a profile? and that's the condensed version! i had to keep it under 1200 characters. whew!

so, today i got my first dispersement of Unemployment funds. man, is that a humbling experience. two weeks ago i was making a really decent salary as a designer and not too concerned about the "what if's". now i'm hoping i don't get evicted because i haven't paid rent! (well, that's not really my biggest concern...i rent my house from my big brother and Mom would be pretty P.O.'d if he kicked me out!) still, not an ideal situation. let me explain the unemployment issue: for the past 18 months i've worked for a home accessories manufacturer, spending my days designing bedding, toss pillows, and Christmas stockings. 2 weeks ago they went out of business. this bad economy stuff is REAL, people!

so the bottom line is...i need to get on the ball! the point of this blog is to document the MANY MANY MANY projects i have talked about starting for much too long. it's sad that someone who describes herself as an artist hasn't actually created anything (other than mass-produced nonsense) in over a year. ugh, laziness is miserable. but in my defense, using all your creative energy working for someone else isn't easy either.

so, this is me. this is my first real blog post. tomorrow i spend the day in my office/studio/sewing room and make some stuff! i'll write more about my progress!

p.s. rent is coming big bro, i promise! :)

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