"i have always spent most of my time staring out the window, noting what is there, daydreaming, or brooding.
most of the so-called imaginative life is encompassed by these three activities...entire mornings can slip by, in a blissful daze of preoccupation."
- Joyce Carol Oates
i want to go to there.....
ramblings about art, design, family, friends, cats, music, tv, and life in general....
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
who could forget...
as promised, pictures of the Gypsy Bird booth at Deluxe!
pretty great show! can't wait for next year!
pretty great show! can't wait for next year!
my level of crazy....
so Christmas is over. i hate to say it (but i will anyway)...thank goodness! this year was just a new level of stressful. all completely self-induced, i admit...but crazy all the same. it's Monday now and i'm still whirling from all the gift-making, order-filling, wrapping, running, buying chaos. i felt like i had the the anti-Midas touch this weekend, because one hundred little things went wrong, and it seemed everything i touched turned to crap. which inevitably led to a mini-meltdown on Christmas day, and a subsequent Xanex-popping/wine-drinking/mind-numbing Christmas night. eh, i blame it on the whole "eccentric artist" thing. no worries though, things are fine now and i'm regaining my calm and whatever sanity i started out with!
but, it can't last long...i must get back on the crazy-train because there is so much to do! i absolutely have to get the Etsy thing figured out so i can get my store up and running; i must make more bags; push myself to create some new styles; try some totally different & new projects; and you know, live the normal life - work 8-5, clean house, do laundry, pay the bills, budget, etc. etc. etc. never-ending cycle, but you know i love it!
well, my brain is scattered and it's getting late already, so i'll just get to the point and share a few pics....
a bit late for this, but here are a few photos of my Christmas decor. i couldn't deal with a tree this year, but i did do a bit of decorating with some lovely Christmas stockings and table coverings that i designed at my previous job working at a home furnishings company.
and here are my sweet kitties cuddled up on the couch with me on Christmas night while i watched Meet Joe Black (hey, i said it was a mind-numbing evening! and who can resist a Brad Pitt movie after a meltdown?)
and finally, a snap of the Matryoshka dolls i painted for my precious niece...pretty cute, if i do say so myself! i'm not sure they were the most exciting gift for her...but it's the thought that counts right? hmm, do 2 year olds get that? no matter...i enjoyed making them and hopefully she'll further develop her spatial reasoning and counting skills with them. yea, i googled how matryoshka dolls can help with developmental abilities. trying to do some good, along with making something pretty & cute!
all for now...i vow my next post will be about how my Etsy site is up and running! well, my fingers are crossed for that anyway!
but, it can't last long...i must get back on the crazy-train because there is so much to do! i absolutely have to get the Etsy thing figured out so i can get my store up and running; i must make more bags; push myself to create some new styles; try some totally different & new projects; and you know, live the normal life - work 8-5, clean house, do laundry, pay the bills, budget, etc. etc. etc. never-ending cycle, but you know i love it!
well, my brain is scattered and it's getting late already, so i'll just get to the point and share a few pics....
a bit late for this, but here are a few photos of my Christmas decor. i couldn't deal with a tree this year, but i did do a bit of decorating with some lovely Christmas stockings and table coverings that i designed at my previous job working at a home furnishings company.
and here are my sweet kitties cuddled up on the couch with me on Christmas night while i watched Meet Joe Black (hey, i said it was a mind-numbing evening! and who can resist a Brad Pitt movie after a meltdown?)
and finally, a snap of the Matryoshka dolls i painted for my precious niece...pretty cute, if i do say so myself! i'm not sure they were the most exciting gift for her...but it's the thought that counts right? hmm, do 2 year olds get that? no matter...i enjoyed making them and hopefully she'll further develop her spatial reasoning and counting skills with them. yea, i googled how matryoshka dolls can help with developmental abilities. trying to do some good, along with making something pretty & cute!
all for now...i vow my next post will be about how my Etsy site is up and running! well, my fingers are crossed for that anyway!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
have yourself a merry little Christmas....
Merry Christmas! in the midst of all the madness of preparing for this special day, i wanted to take the time to wish my readers a very happy Christmas! i hope everyone has a blessed day with family and friends.
other thoughts...Judy Garland's version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is the most beautiful, hauntingly sad Christmas song ever. it's my favorite this season. "someday soon, we all will be together if the fates allow...until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow...." gives me chills. and makes my eyes well up. i realize the words are the same whomever sings it, but the emotion and pain in her voice is almost palpable. sounds depressing...and i guess it is, really. but beautiful anyway.
hmm, in happier thoughts...i received an extremely nice anonymous gift this week. 6 bags of groceries on my porch, along with a Max Lucado book, some lotion, notepads, candle, etc. so incredibly kind and amazing, and what a blessing! i don't know who would buy me groceries and leave them secretly on my porch...i'm perplexed, but seriously grateful! i'm sure there are people who really need a gift like that more than me, but saving me from a trip to WalMart increased my chances of staying sane. so, if my secret friend is a blog-reader...thank you thank you! and may God bless you this Christmas too!
well, i must be off to wrap presents, make sweet potato casserole, and get to Mom's house for family fun!
Happy Christmas!
other thoughts...Judy Garland's version of "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" is the most beautiful, hauntingly sad Christmas song ever. it's my favorite this season. "someday soon, we all will be together if the fates allow...until then, we'll have to muddle through somehow...." gives me chills. and makes my eyes well up. i realize the words are the same whomever sings it, but the emotion and pain in her voice is almost palpable. sounds depressing...and i guess it is, really. but beautiful anyway.
hmm, in happier thoughts...i received an extremely nice anonymous gift this week. 6 bags of groceries on my porch, along with a Max Lucado book, some lotion, notepads, candle, etc. so incredibly kind and amazing, and what a blessing! i don't know who would buy me groceries and leave them secretly on my porch...i'm perplexed, but seriously grateful! i'm sure there are people who really need a gift like that more than me, but saving me from a trip to WalMart increased my chances of staying sane. so, if my secret friend is a blog-reader...thank you thank you! and may God bless you this Christmas too!
well, i must be off to wrap presents, make sweet potato casserole, and get to Mom's house for family fun!
Happy Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
a little inspiration....
so, a little tidbit about me...i'm slightly obsessed with quotes. i've been collecting inspirational & impactful quotes that i've read for, probably, 10 years. they're scattered throughout my notebooks, journals, & planners...stuck randomly on walls, in my wallet...saved in various documents on my trusty old laptop. i love these brilliant (or sometimes incredibly simple) thoughts people have had that have been re-spoken, re-written, and passed on and on. i often spend much too much time reading these things and thinking about how inspired i am...and then take no action. but in the vain of being an active blogger again, and at the very least re-telling a fantastic thought - here's a little something i came across tonight:
“If you're going to be passionate about something, be passionate about learning. If you're going to fight something, fight for those in need. If you're going to question something, question authority. If you're going to lose something, lose your inhibitions. If you're going to gain something, gain respect and confidence. And if you're going to hate something, hate the false idea that you are not capable of your dreams.” - Daniel Golston
do you have chills? inspired to be confident, take action, and make your life?
me too!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
jingle bells...
yes, it's already Christmas time, and the last time i posted was at Thanksgiving. shameful! but rest assured i have been a busy busy Gypsy Bird! the Deluxe show was fantastic! i have pics of my booth that i will post later. i sold some bags, got some great feedback, and then i crashed! but it was truly a successful event! i'm so so pleased and grateful for all of my fabulous customers and visitors at the show! you were all fantastic, and i'm sorry i haven't been posting more or getting my etsy site prepared. i need about 10 more hours in every day, you know. i've been filling custom orders since the show, and attempting to prepare all of my own Christmas gifts. it's quickly approaching and i have so much left to do! ack!
so, more later. for now, i must cut more bags, sew more bags, make matryoshka dolls for my niece, and maybe get a couple hours of sleep?
i promise i will be a real, active, organized, caught-up business owner & blogger soon. stay tuned!
so, more later. for now, i must cut more bags, sew more bags, make matryoshka dolls for my niece, and maybe get a couple hours of sleep?
i promise i will be a real, active, organized, caught-up business owner & blogger soon. stay tuned!
Monday, November 29, 2010
bags, turkey, more bags, birthdays, and more bags....
it's definitely crunch time in Gypsy Bird land! thank God for this four day weekend...my mini sweat shop has been in full effect! i've been a busy little bee, and it feels great to get some things accomplished. but there is still alot to be done before Deluxe. this list that's accumulating in my head (because i'm too scared to write it all down) is pretty daunting. but it will all get done...exactly how is a mystery.....
Thanksgiving has come and gone. i was blessed to have a wonderful day with my family. there was so much deliciousness! i've been seriously limiting my food intake for the past few months (trying to watch the figure), and i'm pretty sure with that one meal i nearly un-did all the stomach-shrinking-starvation i've done. but it was totally worth it! i have to say, i have so much to be thankful for. even on this weekend of Thanksgiving i don't know if i've really thought about how lucky i am. so if i may, let me tell you a few things i'm thankful for: God's love and forgiveness; my amazing, loving, supportive family; my smart, funny, trustworthy, fabulous friends; the gift of creativity and general artsyness; a real job to pay the bills (mostly) and provide healthcare; a home for me, my kitties, and my sewing machine; and quite honestly, a million other things, but i won't go on and on. it's just nice to take a step back and take note that despite the everyday stresses and crap that life throws at you, the big picture is pretty great.
in other family fun time, we had a birthday party for my wonderful, brilliant, hilarious, beautiful niece today. (too many adjectives? i'm a big fan of descriptives tonight, apparently.) i can't believe she is turning 2 this week! she is just the best. my Dad's birthday is today, although we celebrated his last week so little one could be in the spotlight today. can't have too many celebrations!
let me see....try to get back on track here. yes, other than Thanksgiving, i sewed and sewed and sewed, and cut and cut and cut (fabric) this weekend. my sweet, helpful Mom came over and help me cut out 20-something bags on Friday, and i spent Saturday and today doing the rest of the prep work and sewing! it's all such a time-consuming process. i'm sure there are easier ways to do things, but i've got a process and i stick to it! oh well...i got several bags made this weekend, and plenty more to complete in the next 2 weeks! wish me luck.
here's a slightly clustered snapshot of some of the new bags i've done:
here's the stack of pieces that are cut out for more bags:
and a pile of even more fabrics that still need to be cut out:
i'd upload a pic of my chaotic, messy house and studio (fabric and scissors everywhere), but it's just too frightening. plus, there's probably a layer of cat hair on everything because i haven't taken time to clean!
well, it's back to Sock land tomorrow. blah...real work, real world. and more deadlines this week. but i must keep the sewing momentum. i'm excited for a productive week. hopefully i can wake up on time in the morning!
Thanksgiving has come and gone. i was blessed to have a wonderful day with my family. there was so much deliciousness! i've been seriously limiting my food intake for the past few months (trying to watch the figure), and i'm pretty sure with that one meal i nearly un-did all the stomach-shrinking-starvation i've done. but it was totally worth it! i have to say, i have so much to be thankful for. even on this weekend of Thanksgiving i don't know if i've really thought about how lucky i am. so if i may, let me tell you a few things i'm thankful for: God's love and forgiveness; my amazing, loving, supportive family; my smart, funny, trustworthy, fabulous friends; the gift of creativity and general artsyness; a real job to pay the bills (mostly) and provide healthcare; a home for me, my kitties, and my sewing machine; and quite honestly, a million other things, but i won't go on and on. it's just nice to take a step back and take note that despite the everyday stresses and crap that life throws at you, the big picture is pretty great.
in other family fun time, we had a birthday party for my wonderful, brilliant, hilarious, beautiful niece today. (too many adjectives? i'm a big fan of descriptives tonight, apparently.) i can't believe she is turning 2 this week! she is just the best. my Dad's birthday is today, although we celebrated his last week so little one could be in the spotlight today. can't have too many celebrations!
let me see....try to get back on track here. yes, other than Thanksgiving, i sewed and sewed and sewed, and cut and cut and cut (fabric) this weekend. my sweet, helpful Mom came over and help me cut out 20-something bags on Friday, and i spent Saturday and today doing the rest of the prep work and sewing! it's all such a time-consuming process. i'm sure there are easier ways to do things, but i've got a process and i stick to it! oh well...i got several bags made this weekend, and plenty more to complete in the next 2 weeks! wish me luck.
here's a slightly clustered snapshot of some of the new bags i've done:
here's the stack of pieces that are cut out for more bags:
and a pile of even more fabrics that still need to be cut out:
i'd upload a pic of my chaotic, messy house and studio (fabric and scissors everywhere), but it's just too frightening. plus, there's probably a layer of cat hair on everything because i haven't taken time to clean!
well, it's back to Sock land tomorrow. blah...real work, real world. and more deadlines this week. but i must keep the sewing momentum. i'm excited for a productive week. hopefully i can wake up on time in the morning!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
snap stealer
to the person who is buying every single magnetic snap from every store around the OKC metro...you are making my life so difficult! i have been scouring the Hancocks, Hobby Lobbys, Michaels & JoAnns of Oklahoma City, Midwest City & Edmond all week, in search of stupid 14mm magnetic snaps for my clutches. there are literally none to be found. anywhere. not on the shelves, not in the stock rooms...well, that's the only 2 places they would be i suppose, but they aren't there!
but it's okay...i've been directed to an online craft store...you can't buy them out of stock, fellow magnetic snap seeker! they have thousands and thousands. i've placed my order, and i'm not sharing the site until i get all that i need! haha...bested you!
well, that's quite enough of my crazy rant. i'm making more bags on this beautiful, chilly Saturday afternoon. and desperately fighting the urge to go take a nap. better get back to the ironing board (haha) before i write myself into a coma.
but it's okay...i've been directed to an online craft store...you can't buy them out of stock, fellow magnetic snap seeker! they have thousands and thousands. i've placed my order, and i'm not sharing the site until i get all that i need! haha...bested you!
well, that's quite enough of my crazy rant. i'm making more bags on this beautiful, chilly Saturday afternoon. and desperately fighting the urge to go take a nap. better get back to the ironing board (haha) before i write myself into a coma.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Monday randomness
so it's Monday and i've been on the phone for the past 2 1/2 hours since i got off work...considering i've spent my evening blabbing away, i figured i might as well blab via type as well. the thoughts going through my head are crazy, as usual...but here's a peek: it's 33 days until the Deluxe show...call me a procrastinator, but i've always worked better under pressure! my goal is to make 1 bag a day from now until December 11. i'll be able to make more on the weekends, so it should all even out and i'll have some inventory! also, my wonderful Mom is going to help out by cutting out the many pieces that go into each bag. what a lady, what a mom, what a pal! ;)
i got to spend time with the fam this weekend, which always makes life better! delicious dinners, triple-layer chocolate cake, petite syrah, my amazing niece and (almost) nephew, my hilarious, beautiful, loving & entertaining family who are pulling teeth to get me out of my anti-social funk...i was finally in my happy place! didn't make as many bags as i should have, but whatever....gotta live sometimes!
speaking of triple-layer chocolate cake...who knew that the word "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards??? feel free to double-check! i did a few times...and it's right! am i totally out of touch for not knowing this before? is this why stress and chocolate go so well together? so many questions! and...it's sad that i learned this from a Sonic commercial.
i got to spend time with the fam this weekend, which always makes life better! delicious dinners, triple-layer chocolate cake, petite syrah, my amazing niece and (almost) nephew, my hilarious, beautiful, loving & entertaining family who are pulling teeth to get me out of my anti-social funk...i was finally in my happy place! didn't make as many bags as i should have, but whatever....gotta live sometimes!
speaking of triple-layer chocolate cake...who knew that the word "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards??? feel free to double-check! i did a few times...and it's right! am i totally out of touch for not knowing this before? is this why stress and chocolate go so well together? so many questions! and...it's sad that i learned this from a Sonic commercial.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
a Wednesday in the life
it's been another fabu day in Shea-land! facetious, me? no! ha...but i can't complain..i'm sitting on the couch with my kitties snuggled up close, watching a Thunder game, having a cold beer, and listening to the roomie snore away...life isn't so bad! i could do without the snoring though. ;)
so after working until 7.30 tonight, my evening is quickly escaping me! 10.30 already? i need to run off to snuggle up in my down-encompassed bed. but before i doze, i'll share what i was working on at Sock Land so late. i was developing the color palette i'll use for Fall 2011 socks. even in socks, you gotta keep up with the ever-revolving fashion trends and colors! my trend research shows that these are going to be the colors to use. (well, for kids' socks, that is!)
so after working until 7.30 tonight, my evening is quickly escaping me! 10.30 already? i need to run off to snuggle up in my down-encompassed bed. but before i doze, i'll share what i was working on at Sock Land so late. i was developing the color palette i'll use for Fall 2011 socks. even in socks, you gotta keep up with the ever-revolving fashion trends and colors! my trend research shows that these are going to be the colors to use. (well, for kids' socks, that is!)
oy, inserting pictures into this blog is about the most difficult thing i've done all day! argh, frustration! the pirate in me is coming out....
in the vain of saving what's left of my sanity, i'll skip posting any more photos for the night! watch for my Fall 2011 trend boards next time!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
trick or treat...
so it's Halloween night and i'm trying to sew-sew-work while handing out candy to all the kiddies in the 'hood. i'm sure little Cisco and Arsala are on the edge of hysteria, considering they reach a new level of freak-out every time the doorbell rings, and it has ding-donged about one hundred times tonight. poor kitties....
i don't know why, but i've never really gotten into the whole Halloween bonanza. it doesn't make much sense since i'm a designer and a total escapist. you'd think i would delight in having the opportunity to pretend to be someone else and make a costume for it! eh, not so much. i think young Shea liked Halloween...but it was probably just the buzz from all the candy. by the way...since when do kids not even bother with a costume, but still expect a handful of chocolate just for walking around with a WalMart sack and saying "trick or treat"? (or is that just my neighborhood?!) now sure, i was Madonna, circa Like a Virgin, for two or three years in a row...but i was a fan, and at least i tried!
but all Grinchy-witchyness aside, i'll admit that considering how crazy expensive the candy is, the costumes are probably worse...so why blame a parent for shoo-ing the kids out the door for some un-costumed candy grabbing.
well anyway, enough of that. Deluxe is quickly approaching, and i'm realizing that getting into my studio and making all these bags is really turning into a chore. once i have any sort of obligation, i start to shut down...some spin-off of my crazy commitment issues? but i'm bucking up, thinking positive, and being productive! well, fairly productive anyway...here's what i've done today, and tomorrow i'll do more! Happy Halloween blog-land!
i don't know why, but i've never really gotten into the whole Halloween bonanza. it doesn't make much sense since i'm a designer and a total escapist. you'd think i would delight in having the opportunity to pretend to be someone else and make a costume for it! eh, not so much. i think young Shea liked Halloween...but it was probably just the buzz from all the candy. by the way...since when do kids not even bother with a costume, but still expect a handful of chocolate just for walking around with a WalMart sack and saying "trick or treat"? (or is that just my neighborhood?!) now sure, i was Madonna, circa Like a Virgin, for two or three years in a row...but i was a fan, and at least i tried!
but all Grinchy-witchyness aside, i'll admit that considering how crazy expensive the candy is, the costumes are probably worse...so why blame a parent for shoo-ing the kids out the door for some un-costumed candy grabbing.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
you've got the love...
still listening to my beloved Florence + the Machine...trying to get some inspiration and motivation to sew sew work! i've had an exhausting week at the 8-5. deadline after deadline...it truly never stops in Sock World! after designing tights and knee high socks for 12 hours Monday, my week in real life has basically been shot! still trying to catch up after that. oy, this just shows that i'm getting old! i used to work constantly and sleep for only a few hours a night. oh, the good ol' days!
anywhoo, i'm still wrapping my head around all that must be done to prepare for the Deluxe show. it's daunting, but i'm quite excited! so in that vain, i better get off here and go sew a bag...or else i'll be tempted to just go watch The Office and 30 Rock. no worries though...i'm DVR'ng them!
anywhoo, i'm still wrapping my head around all that must be done to prepare for the Deluxe show. it's daunting, but i'm quite excited! so in that vain, i better get off here and go sew a bag...or else i'll be tempted to just go watch The Office and 30 Rock. no worries though...i'm DVR'ng them!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
it's official....
big news....huge! i've been accepted into the Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar!!! it's official...i have a real business (part-time on the side). my little GypsyBird is getting wings...and i have 8 weeks to get ready to fly! i can't believe it's really all happening- i'm going to be in a great venue where i can sell and promote my lovingly handmade creations. so crazy. this is what i've been dreaming of and working towards...and now to be honest, i'm a bit terrified! biggest concern: i've got to really figure out the business side of things. taxes, business registration, taking payments, etc. etc. secondly: i have to get a lot of product made! but i'm so excited to really make this happen!
i must say that without the loving support of my amazing family and my dear friends, and the confidence that God has a plan for me, i would never have even tried to do this. i'm so grateful for all the love in my life! (ok, that sounds like i'm accepting an award...but i'm not erasing it because it's sincere!)
anyway, my artist cult/sock world buddies also made it in, so get ready to see The Bungalow Studio and WonderLove, too!
for now, check Deluxe for more info, but be sure i'll be keeping you updated on news, as well as my progress (and possible freak-outs) in getting ready for the show!

also...i made a few little updates to gypsybirddesign.com. be sure to keep checking in the coming months to see new product!
i must say that without the loving support of my amazing family and my dear friends, and the confidence that God has a plan for me, i would never have even tried to do this. i'm so grateful for all the love in my life! (ok, that sounds like i'm accepting an award...but i'm not erasing it because it's sincere!)
anyway, my artist cult/sock world buddies also made it in, so get ready to see The Bungalow Studio and WonderLove, too!
for now, check Deluxe for more info, but be sure i'll be keeping you updated on news, as well as my progress (and possible freak-outs) in getting ready for the show!

Monday, October 11, 2010
new design...
changed up the design of my page...i like the birds, of course!
hopefully this doesn't throw off my loyal followers! ;)
hopefully this doesn't throw off my loyal followers! ;)
random thoughts...
instead of trying to make any sort of sense, i'll just post some erratic thoughts:
1- i've got a case of the Mondays, even though i reckon i might get my ass kicked for sayin' somethin' like that...(quoting the hick neighbor, Lawrence from Office Space)
2- why does every crime/cop show on tv have an episode where someone gets buried alive? and why is Ryan Reynolds about to be in a movie where this is the entire premise? what is the fascination with this? i don't get it.
3- i find out this Friday if i made it into the Deluxe OK show. if i didn't make it, prepare for a trunk show of my bags and goods. i mean "trunk show" literally - Taryn and i are going to sell bags and pillows out of our cars in the parking lot if that's what it takes!
4- last night's post could have been much more interesting and well written if i had just turned off the tv. blasted thing has too much power over me!
5- i remembered a few things about my NY trip: while having a late lunch, we saw Chris March (the plus-size drag queen from Project Runway a few seasons ago). it wasn't quite as exciting as seeing Uma Thurman in Central Park on a Sunday morning 10 years ago, and having her look at KD and i and laugh (and/or scoff) because we were obviously still in our clothes from the night before...but it was still a celebrity sighting. secondly, on my flight from NYC to Houston i believe i saw Santa Clause - he is a flight attendant for Continental. seriously. old man- slight belly- big white beard. he was not jolly though - i don't think he was happy about having to pick up a second job.
6- i am giving up tanning beds once again. once and for all, i should say. i was a "tanorexic" (what a silly word) many years ago, and reached an unnatural state of brown for my normally fair skin. then i wised up and quit for about 5 years. aaaaand, then i got started again. it really is addicting! it's like 15 minutes of heaven. okay, that's an overstatement...but it is like 15 minutes of sweaty zen. anyway, i haven't tanned in about 4 months...not sure why i skipped doing it in the summer? eh, the point is the membership i've been paying for finally ran out this month! and i have finally learned my lesson and will not go back. my skin thanks you mom and Ang! your scowls and eye rolls at the slightest appearance of a tan may have well saved my hide!
that's all, folks!
1- i've got a case of the Mondays, even though i reckon i might get my ass kicked for sayin' somethin' like that...(quoting the hick neighbor, Lawrence from Office Space)
2- why does every crime/cop show on tv have an episode where someone gets buried alive? and why is Ryan Reynolds about to be in a movie where this is the entire premise? what is the fascination with this? i don't get it.
3- i find out this Friday if i made it into the Deluxe OK show. if i didn't make it, prepare for a trunk show of my bags and goods. i mean "trunk show" literally - Taryn and i are going to sell bags and pillows out of our cars in the parking lot if that's what it takes!
4- last night's post could have been much more interesting and well written if i had just turned off the tv. blasted thing has too much power over me!
5- i remembered a few things about my NY trip: while having a late lunch, we saw Chris March (the plus-size drag queen from Project Runway a few seasons ago). it wasn't quite as exciting as seeing Uma Thurman in Central Park on a Sunday morning 10 years ago, and having her look at KD and i and laugh (and/or scoff) because we were obviously still in our clothes from the night before...but it was still a celebrity sighting. secondly, on my flight from NYC to Houston i believe i saw Santa Clause - he is a flight attendant for Continental. seriously. old man- slight belly- big white beard. he was not jolly though - i don't think he was happy about having to pick up a second job.
6- i am giving up tanning beds once again. once and for all, i should say. i was a "tanorexic" (what a silly word) many years ago, and reached an unnatural state of brown for my normally fair skin. then i wised up and quit for about 5 years. aaaaand, then i got started again. it really is addicting! it's like 15 minutes of heaven. okay, that's an overstatement...but it is like 15 minutes of sweaty zen. anyway, i haven't tanned in about 4 months...not sure why i skipped doing it in the summer? eh, the point is the membership i've been paying for finally ran out this month! and i have finally learned my lesson and will not go back. my skin thanks you mom and Ang! your scowls and eye rolls at the slightest appearance of a tan may have well saved my hide!
that's all, folks!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
life lately...
so i have some catching up to do! it's already Sunday night...the weekends just go by much too fast. i'm working on laundry, just got done paying bills...oh the fun i have! but i can't complain. i had a great weekend and got to spend lots of time with my fabulous family. delicious chicken parm with my bro and sis-in-law and amazing niece Friday; shopping with mom on Saturday, then dinner again at my bro's that night. they are really too good to me! i'm pretty lucky they don't mind having me around so much. ;) and finally, steak dinner tonight with my folks and the gang. if only too much homework hadn't kept my other brilliant niece at home, it would have been perfect!
so...let's catch up:
i had a lovely evening recently with my artist and sock-designing buddies...T, MC and i have started a mini-cult. we get together and discuss The Artists Way, dreams of being our own bosses, and other random silliness. here are a few pics of our get-together....
our crazy doodles on the chalk wall...
so...let's catch up:
i had a lovely evening recently with my artist and sock-designing buddies...T, MC and i have started a mini-cult. we get together and discuss The Artists Way, dreams of being our own bosses, and other random silliness. here are a few pics of our get-together....
our crazy doodles on the chalk wall...
the Vampire merlot that T surprised me with. i'm getting a bad reputation! but it was delish.
it's my turn to host this week! i need to get a nice little menu planned. and i have got to clean this house!
silly me...i almost forgot to mention my fellow ya-ya sister pants cult mates' blog and website! check out Taryn's fabulously fun blog: http://www.thebungalowstudio.blogspot.com/ and shop MC's creative and whimsical pillows and stationery at http://www.etsy.com/shop/wonderlovecollective
fabulous ladies they are!
what else...ah yes, New York New York! i had a very quick trip there last week. got to stay with my good buddy for a day and half. we lived there together once upon a time...10 years ago. gah, it doesn't feel real that much time has passed! i have to say...31 in NY is a much different feeling than 21 in NY. as amazing as it is...i've learned in my older age that i am definitely an Oklahoma girl. i like my personal space and quiet time. there isn't much of that up there. but i reallly did have a good time! as previously mentioned, we went to see The XX. pretty amazing show.
and then i had to work. blah blah blah.
what else? oh, some jerk hit my car! poor Olive. 4 months old and already a big dent and scratched paint. ugh.
and then here's a happy, cute picture...my mom made my niece a sweet little winter hat. so precious!
i thought Stella, her cat, might like to wear it for a bit. she didn't. well, that's all for now. my brain is scattered...stupid Law & Order is distracting me!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
let's have a toast....
so it seems like i've been gone for a week. but three days in NYC equal a week in the real world i think. it was great and i have stories to tell...but must wait until tomorrow because i have piddled my evening away cleaning my crazy house and buying new music on iTunes. and a few books on Amazon. and e-shopping for new fall boots because i just can't help myself! eek! spending too much money and time.
in music news, i'm obsessing over Florence + the Machine, The XX, and Warpaint right now. saw the latter two in concert at an old church north of Harlem this weekend...pretty great. more on that later.
off to read my vampire book and doze off...only 9 more hours til another day in sock land. do i have to??
in music news, i'm obsessing over Florence + the Machine, The XX, and Warpaint right now. saw the latter two in concert at an old church north of Harlem this weekend...pretty great. more on that later.
off to read my vampire book and doze off...only 9 more hours til another day in sock land. do i have to??
Saturday, October 2, 2010
on my way...
to good ol' New York. Waiting to board my flight at Will Rogers and I am a sleepy girl! Had to get up at 4.30am...oy vey! But I made it in time...so that's a good start to the trip! The bad thing is, I have this nagging cough due to my crazy allergies, that I'm sure the other passengers are psyched about. ;)
Well blogging on my Blackberry isn't the easiest, so I'll have lots to post when I come home! Toodles!
Well blogging on my Blackberry isn't the easiest, so I'll have lots to post when I come home! Toodles!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
this is your life
very appropos of my little blog is this fabulous quote i saw on yet another blog (http://genevievegail.blogspot.com/ - great stuff...check her out!), and she got it from the Holstee site.
this is one of the most inspiring things i've ever read! i keep hearing "take risks"...is this a hint?
this is one of the most inspiring things i've ever read! i keep hearing "take risks"...is this a hint?
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
oh whoops....
i forgot to mention....my website is up!!! won't you please visit:
and view my lovely handmade bags. the site needs a bit of tweaking still...but it's a start!
see....i have been productive!
and view my lovely handmade bags. the site needs a bit of tweaking still...but it's a start!
see....i have been productive!
and i'm back!
back in the swing of things. making bags. posting blogs. building a website. thinking outside of sock world. finally being productive and feeling good!
however, while watching DVR'd episodes of Mad Men and fighting off a cold, i'm a bit distracted. but i just wanted to write a little something, despite the fact that anyone who followed my crazy little thoughts so many months ago when i had more to say, most likely doesn't even check this poor little blog anymore. ah, well...bygones!
yes, i will try once more to be interesting and witty, and maybe a little inspiring. and force my friends and family to read it all again!
in other news, i'll be going to New York this weekend. sock world is sending me up there for a children's clothing and accessories trade show. but i get to fly in a day early to see one of my besties, do a bit of shopping, and hopefully squeeze a MoMA visit in there somewhere! i haven't been to NYC in so long...like 7 or 8 years. wow. i cannot believe it's been almost a decade. shudder...can't believe i can say "its been a decade" about anything! i'm interested to see what it feels like now. i'll either never want to come back...or i'll be pacing around like a crackhead, so eager to get on the way home. will keep you posted!
however, while watching DVR'd episodes of Mad Men and fighting off a cold, i'm a bit distracted. but i just wanted to write a little something, despite the fact that anyone who followed my crazy little thoughts so many months ago when i had more to say, most likely doesn't even check this poor little blog anymore. ah, well...bygones!
yes, i will try once more to be interesting and witty, and maybe a little inspiring. and force my friends and family to read it all again!
in other news, i'll be going to New York this weekend. sock world is sending me up there for a children's clothing and accessories trade show. but i get to fly in a day early to see one of my besties, do a bit of shopping, and hopefully squeeze a MoMA visit in there somewhere! i haven't been to NYC in so long...like 7 or 8 years. wow. i cannot believe it's been almost a decade. shudder...can't believe i can say "its been a decade" about anything! i'm interested to see what it feels like now. i'll either never want to come back...or i'll be pacing around like a crackhead, so eager to get on the way home. will keep you posted!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
ohhh...so tired and trying to find the energy to sew and blog and make a website and be creative and make a company! Ack! Sweatdrops! Chocolate!
i am desperate to get some things done...but my brain is so fried after making socks all day! oh, socks....
at least i have a real life to come home to. even though it may just be writing about all the things i want to do, instead of actually doing the things.
oh well...c'est la vie, i suppose. gotta barrel through the exhaustion, laziness, negativity, etc.
in other news...cupcakes are absolutely haunting me! it's like they are everywhere! and i'm trying (once again) to be healthy and make a "lifestyle" change about my eating and working out habits. but i really want a daggum cupcake!
oy...negative nelly here today.
i am desperate to get some things done...but my brain is so fried after making socks all day! oh, socks....
at least i have a real life to come home to. even though it may just be writing about all the things i want to do, instead of actually doing the things.
oh well...c'est la vie, i suppose. gotta barrel through the exhaustion, laziness, negativity, etc.
in other news...cupcakes are absolutely haunting me! it's like they are everywhere! and i'm trying (once again) to be healthy and make a "lifestyle" change about my eating and working out habits. but i really want a daggum cupcake!
oy...negative nelly here today.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
how sad....
can it really be so long since i've posted anything? terrible. i've thought about it so many times and i avoid it because i feel it doesn't make sense to try after so much time has lapsed...and i've been doubting that i have enough interesting thoughts to put out there for the world to see. is it embarassing that i thought i would be interesting and witty and intellectual enough to do this whole blog thing? oh, i suppose that's just my inner "Censor" talking. maybe it's partially true...but who cares? if i'm boring, so be it. i'm reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron...and it's giving me a lot to think about. it's a sort of workbook for artists (or creatives of any kind) to make their art a priority and gain confidence in it. i definitely need to continue reading.
in other aspects of life...still living in sock land for the 8-5, but tyring to get Gypsy Bird up and running again! a friend and i went to a craft show a few weeks ago that another friend was in, and we got really inspired. if all these people can do art and crafts and have the confidence and knowledge to make money at it...why not me? so...i'm entering a show this month, and hopefully i get in! i just need to: make more product, take great photos, build a website, get a tax ID #, get my etsy site up, figure out how to run a business...and i'm set! quite a daunting list. the lazy side of me wants to curl up in bed and read more vampire books (i'm obsessed...it's scary). but the artist side of me wants to challenge myself and do it! the doing is the only problem. but hey...i'm writing on my blog...that's an easy first step!
well, such are the ramblings of my crazy mind at the moment. maybe i can have some interesting stories or news to share soon.
in other aspects of life...still living in sock land for the 8-5, but tyring to get Gypsy Bird up and running again! a friend and i went to a craft show a few weeks ago that another friend was in, and we got really inspired. if all these people can do art and crafts and have the confidence and knowledge to make money at it...why not me? so...i'm entering a show this month, and hopefully i get in! i just need to: make more product, take great photos, build a website, get a tax ID #, get my etsy site up, figure out how to run a business...and i'm set! quite a daunting list. the lazy side of me wants to curl up in bed and read more vampire books (i'm obsessed...it's scary). but the artist side of me wants to challenge myself and do it! the doing is the only problem. but hey...i'm writing on my blog...that's an easy first step!
well, such are the ramblings of my crazy mind at the moment. maybe i can have some interesting stories or news to share soon.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
my real life....
it's so nice to come home after a loooong day of work and realize that this is my real life. don't get me wrong, i love designing socks...but putting on the professional face can be exhausting. after work all day, then a work event and rounding out the evening with a work dinner, i'm really needing a dose of my reality. (yes, yes, i know that working hard and paying the bills is a huge part of my reality...but, that's not what i'm talking about at the moment!). anyway, i just have to thank God that i am blessed with such an amazing family and awesome friends. though i may not always express (or know how to express) how grateful i am, they are what make my life great, and i feel it constantly.
also...the deal got finalized and i got the new car! she's a beaut, but doesn't yet have a name. still trying to get the feel of her...but pretty great so far! but let me say, what relief!
also...the deal got finalized and i got the new car! she's a beaut, but doesn't yet have a name. still trying to get the feel of her...but pretty great so far! but let me say, what relief!
Monday, May 31, 2010
what am i...one of these people who creates a blog when they have spare time, and then when things get busy they abandon it? yes, apparently so. ahh, let me explain: work is crazy busy. week 4 starts tomorrow and i have a massive deadline. must...design...socks! hearts and butterflies and sports balls, oh my! yea kids' socks are a little monotonous. but i'm definitely not complaining. well, maybe i am a bit, but i'll stop now.
what other news...oh, i got a new car! well...i'm in the process of buying a new car. turns out it's not an easy process. jerks. i'll confirm when everything is finalized.
it has been a fabulous Memorial Day weekend...i spent most of my time (other than completely freaking out about this car-purchase situation) at my brother and sister-in-law's new amazingly beautiful house and pool. it was like a mini-vacation. pretty great! and now i have to go finish laundry and get ready for bed...back to sock world, bright and early! ahhhh, life. more later!
what other news...oh, i got a new car! well...i'm in the process of buying a new car. turns out it's not an easy process. jerks. i'll confirm when everything is finalized.
it has been a fabulous Memorial Day weekend...i spent most of my time (other than completely freaking out about this car-purchase situation) at my brother and sister-in-law's new amazingly beautiful house and pool. it was like a mini-vacation. pretty great! and now i have to go finish laundry and get ready for bed...back to sock world, bright and early! ahhhh, life. more later!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
foiled again!
what's a girl gotta do to win the dang lottery??? arrrghh! i really had a feeling...i thought i was going to be a winner tonight. i was planning what charities i would give millions of dollars to...how i could benefit the lives of the underpriveleged if only i had the money and time...and of course, how nice it would be to build a new house next door to my brother's new, amazing house. haha! well, guess i'll have to wait til the next time i feel white trash enough to buy a shot at millions.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
the weekends have missed your appreciation.
so my first week of work came and went...and so did my first weekend. like a flash! as a wise friend recently said to me, "the weekends have missed your appreciation." too true. sigh.
but, the job is good. good experience, and you can't beat getting a paycheck...right? (right?) honestly though, designing socks is pretty great! who knew there were so many options? i'm working on a line of girl's socks right now...butterflies, hearts, polka dots and flowers. classic sellers.
in other life news...i'm exhausted. getting back into the routine is killer! but it's good to be on a schedule again. by the way, i tried a "5 Hour Energy" drink today, and let me tell you...disgusting! give me a Sugar Free Red Bull or Lo-Carb Monster any day.
also, i'm trying (again) to eat healthy. i made dinner tonight...and now the entire house smells of burned, dried out broiled chicken. but hey, it's better than fast food! (right?) poor Cisco (my cat who was trapped for 7 hours in my burning apartment building 4 years ago), thought the house was ablaze and i think almost had a heart attack. this is why i don't cook! but, the asparagus and mushrooms and salad were good...and the wine my roomie opened didn't hurt either.
so...it's another week as a working woman. i'm going to get back into a workout routine in a few days...hey, in the wise words of Liz Lemon, "words are the first step on the road to deeds!"
and just a warning, Rick Mitchell- you better not ruin another LOST episode for tomorrow! dang tornados.
but, the job is good. good experience, and you can't beat getting a paycheck...right? (right?) honestly though, designing socks is pretty great! who knew there were so many options? i'm working on a line of girl's socks right now...butterflies, hearts, polka dots and flowers. classic sellers.
in other life news...i'm exhausted. getting back into the routine is killer! but it's good to be on a schedule again. by the way, i tried a "5 Hour Energy" drink today, and let me tell you...disgusting! give me a Sugar Free Red Bull or Lo-Carb Monster any day.
also, i'm trying (again) to eat healthy. i made dinner tonight...and now the entire house smells of burned, dried out broiled chicken. but hey, it's better than fast food! (right?) poor Cisco (my cat who was trapped for 7 hours in my burning apartment building 4 years ago), thought the house was ablaze and i think almost had a heart attack. this is why i don't cook! but, the asparagus and mushrooms and salad were good...and the wine my roomie opened didn't hurt either.
so...it's another week as a working woman. i'm going to get back into a workout routine in a few days...hey, in the wise words of Liz Lemon, "words are the first step on the road to deeds!"
and just a warning, Rick Mitchell- you better not ruin another LOST episode for tomorrow! dang tornados.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
for the birds...
whoever thought working 8am-5pm everyday was a good idea was evil and nonsensical. i am SOOOOO tired. will post more later.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
this life....
so this week i'm cramming in all the stuff that i should have been doing the past few weeks...i've been a slacker! sheameful. my last week of freedom is not so free! but it's great. i'm getting excited about all the new possibilities. nothing too exciting to speak of today, but i thought i'd post a lovely and inspirational quote i found recently...i'm all about the inspiration!
"find your purpose & fling your life out to it. find a way or make one. try with all your might. self-made or never made."
-Orison Swett Marden
"find your purpose & fling your life out to it. find a way or make one. try with all your might. self-made or never made."
-Orison Swett Marden
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
relief...and maybe a little bit of dread
well...the sparkle of hope has been rekindled. i got a job! yay! (and boo....)
after a lot of waiting and a bit of negotiating, the job i've been interviewing for since January finally came through. so starting May 10, it's back to the real world i go. and in this case, the "real world" is SOCKS. i'll be designing womens' and childrens' socks for a company that licenses a ton of brands (like Keds, StrideRite, & Robeez to name a few). i'm excited for the opportunity, and relieved that i'll have a paycheck coming in...but of course i still have loads of anxiety.
this time off has been pretty fabulous. i mean, obviously the worry and fear of being completely broke and not paying my bills has been miserable. but the freedom and tranquility of not being stuck in a cube all day has been wonderful. but, we all gotta work, right? the Powerball thing isn't working out, nor is the trophy wife plan...so back to the workforce i go!
and, it's a job in my field! so that's really great. there aren't many design jobs in OKC, and i'm lucky to be going into my second one. honestly, i'm really grateful that this has all worked out. i need to focus on the positive, and stop being a dreamer who thinks she doesn't have to work full time. it will be great to get back on schedule and have a routine that i have to stick to.
NOW, i have to set up a seriously strict budget so that i can buy a car, pay off my debts and get ahead in life! i also need to set up a time-budget in order to stay focused and productive on GypsyBird. that is a must...too much effort and work has gone into getting this idea up and running to let it fall by the wayside. so i'm going to really have to get my rear in gear.
after a lot of waiting and a bit of negotiating, the job i've been interviewing for since January finally came through. so starting May 10, it's back to the real world i go. and in this case, the "real world" is SOCKS. i'll be designing womens' and childrens' socks for a company that licenses a ton of brands (like Keds, StrideRite, & Robeez to name a few). i'm excited for the opportunity, and relieved that i'll have a paycheck coming in...but of course i still have loads of anxiety.
this time off has been pretty fabulous. i mean, obviously the worry and fear of being completely broke and not paying my bills has been miserable. but the freedom and tranquility of not being stuck in a cube all day has been wonderful. but, we all gotta work, right? the Powerball thing isn't working out, nor is the trophy wife plan...so back to the workforce i go!
and, it's a job in my field! so that's really great. there aren't many design jobs in OKC, and i'm lucky to be going into my second one. honestly, i'm really grateful that this has all worked out. i need to focus on the positive, and stop being a dreamer who thinks she doesn't have to work full time. it will be great to get back on schedule and have a routine that i have to stick to.
NOW, i have to set up a seriously strict budget so that i can buy a car, pay off my debts and get ahead in life! i also need to set up a time-budget in order to stay focused and productive on GypsyBird. that is a must...too much effort and work has gone into getting this idea up and running to let it fall by the wayside. so i'm going to really have to get my rear in gear.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
sparkle & fade....
so, there was a brief sparkle of hope yesterday...but it quickly burned out. i thought one of my job pursuits was going to work out. and then it didn't. well, it's still a dim possibility i suppose, but doesn't appear that it's really going to happen. i've never been so excited, hopeful, terrified, tense, nervous, nauseous, and perplexed all at once. yes, that's a lot of emotions! Cymbalta is sounding pretty good right about now, even if their commercial portrays people as wind-up dolls....
but i've been hit with some inspiration today (decidedly much better than what i posted yesterday). here goes:
pretty great, even if it did come in the form of one of those gay forwards that says "Happy Girlfriend's Day!" just kidding...thanks to my sista, BMac for sharing!
and to top it off, in response to my "inspiration" from that-nameless-someone-i'm-not-supposed-to-be-talking-to-anymore...the wise, wise KD says "you're not an after-thought, play-thing, or quick diversion from real life...put that in your blog (and smoke it). Girl Power (complete with fist pump)!" what would i do without all of the amazing people in my life?
and now...back to sewing! will post pics of lovely bags soon.
but i've been hit with some inspiration today (decidedly much better than what i posted yesterday). here goes:
"Life is too short to wake up with regrets.
So love the people who treat you right.
Love the ones who don't, just because you can.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands.
If it changes your life, let it.
God never said life would be easy.
He just promised it would be worth it."
pretty great, even if it did come in the form of one of those gay forwards that says "Happy Girlfriend's Day!" just kidding...thanks to my sista, BMac for sharing!
and to top it off, in response to my "inspiration" from that-nameless-someone-i'm-not-supposed-to-be-talking-to-anymore...the wise, wise KD says "you're not an after-thought, play-thing, or quick diversion from real life...put that in your blog (and smoke it). Girl Power (complete with fist pump)!" what would i do without all of the amazing people in my life?
and now...back to sewing! will post pics of lovely bags soon.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
catching up....
ahh, it's been so long! i haven't been able to think clearly enough to sit and compose a sentence lately...worrying, Adult-ADD and laziness have been taking up too much space in my life lately! also, i must confess, i've been a little hooked on HGTV. one day, when i had a headache and couldn't bear the thought of being productive, i decided to watch Dear Genevieve (since i used to idolize her on Trading Spaces). that lead to checking out Design on a Dime, then House Hunters & House Hunters International, and Color Confidential. but all of this leads me to think, although i'm still procrastinating and wasting time watching tv, i have actively chosen HGTV over MTV, Vh1 and E!...does this mean i'm finally an adult?
but, i have been doing some hand-embroidery on my bags while watching tv though...so that makes it ok. right? i've also been hard at work doing some graphic nonsense for my logo, business cards & labels. and finally i unveil the official Gypsy Bird logo:
but, i have been doing some hand-embroidery on my bags while watching tv though...so that makes it ok. right? i've also been hard at work doing some graphic nonsense for my logo, business cards & labels. and finally i unveil the official Gypsy Bird logo:
pretty exciting! my cousin-in-law found a graphic designer on fiverr.com who did the actual designing. i just tweaked a few little things. i'm pretty pleased with the outcome though.
so now i've designed and ordered business cards, designed and ordered sew-in labels, and set up my shop on etsy.com (just haven't posted any items for sale yet, because i'm waiting on my labels to arrive so i can sew them in to the bags). it's an exhaustingly long process, i tell you!
less exciting though is the time i've spent staring out the window, pondering the direction of my life and worrying about what to do. i know God has a plan, and the greatest blessing is that i've taken this time to strengthen my spiritual relationship...i just hope i can apply that and make the right decisions for my future!
so, as i prepare to fire up my Bernina and get back to work, i'll end with an inspirational thought (which, interestingly enough, came to me the other day via text message from that certain-nameless-someone-i'm-not-supposed-to-be-talking-to-anymore. why he wrote it is a mystery, but it made me think, nonetheless):
"get up, get out of bed, and do something productive!"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
if only i were a plumber...
i'm sure being a plumber has it's fair share of drawbacks (corroded pipes, polluted water, and i imagine a large amount of poop)...but at $180 an hour, why not? seriously, it cost a ridiculous amount of money to fix a piddly $10 part. i had high hopes of being able to do this myself, and that's all yesterday's post was about...how frustrating to want to do something and understanding what needs to be done, but not having the capability. but after wasting time and annoying everyone around me, a pro had to be called. dang. but the important thing is it's done!
and now i just want to run to someplace far away where i won't bother everyone and where i won't have to have loads of money to survive. Mexico? maybe i should just go back to India where i can just pee in a hole in the ground! shudder. no no no...i don't really want to go anywhere. but i am definitely eager to be self-sufficient again!
until then, i'm going up to Stilly to see a Grad school friend. she is finally graduating and presents all of her Thesis design work tonight at a small exhibition. can't wait to see her and her work...but i CAN wait to see all the people up there. it's going to be like a mini-reunion and i'll be the fat, unemployed alum. great.
and now i just want to run to someplace far away where i won't bother everyone and where i won't have to have loads of money to survive. Mexico? maybe i should just go back to India where i can just pee in a hole in the ground! shudder. no no no...i don't really want to go anywhere. but i am definitely eager to be self-sufficient again!
until then, i'm going up to Stilly to see a Grad school friend. she is finally graduating and presents all of her Thesis design work tonight at a small exhibition. can't wait to see her and her work...but i CAN wait to see all the people up there. it's going to be like a mini-reunion and i'll be the fat, unemployed alum. great.
Monday, April 19, 2010
i am not a repair man...
okay, so i mentioned last week that my toilet is broken. it is STILL broken. i went to Home Depot (which i shall call Home Sucko from now on) and bought what i thought was the correct part. an employee who claimed, "yea, i can help you with plumbing...i guess i know enough," (i know, that should have been a clue!) told me that this generic fill valve would replace the fill valve on any toilet. he was wrong. i have a Mansfield toilet, which of course needs special parts.
so anyway, i buy the part, and get home to realize there isn't a shut-off valve for the water, nor do i have any of the correct tools for the job. so since my Dad knows how to turn the main water line off, and has a toolbox containing more than 15 screwdrivers and a hammer, i ask for help. you're thinking this is probably near the end of the story? wrong. turns out, since my water is through a private company rather than the City, you can't turn the water off at the man-hole thing in the yard. aarrrgghhhh. so...with no idea how to turn the water off, and my brother (who owns the house) out of town and unreachable, and the water company closed for the weekend...i wait.
last night, i finally find out how to turn the water off (which is a grid-like system in the garage with a valve for each water outlet in the house - weird!). so this morning i turn the water off and start work! only to discover the generic part that idiot dude at Home Sucko told me to buy will not work in my toilet. long-story-long: after sponging up excess water in the tank, unscrewing the water line, and spending 30 minutes trying to loosen the bolt that holds the fill valve in...i have to buy a different part. a part that no hardware store carries (or so they say over the phone). what to do?
well...i didn't throw a massive fit, so that's a win. i merely put all the parts back together as best i could, turned the water back on, and started writing an entirely TOO long and detailed blog to vent my frustration. has anyone even made it all the way through this entry? i know it's been unnecessary...but i just want the world (or the 5 people that read my blog) to know that i TRIED, damnit! i was willing to get dirty and learn toilet-repair-lingo...all to no avail. oh well...i'm going back to sewing!
so anyway, i buy the part, and get home to realize there isn't a shut-off valve for the water, nor do i have any of the correct tools for the job. so since my Dad knows how to turn the main water line off, and has a toolbox containing more than 15 screwdrivers and a hammer, i ask for help. you're thinking this is probably near the end of the story? wrong. turns out, since my water is through a private company rather than the City, you can't turn the water off at the man-hole thing in the yard. aarrrgghhhh. so...with no idea how to turn the water off, and my brother (who owns the house) out of town and unreachable, and the water company closed for the weekend...i wait.
last night, i finally find out how to turn the water off (which is a grid-like system in the garage with a valve for each water outlet in the house - weird!). so this morning i turn the water off and start work! only to discover the generic part that idiot dude at Home Sucko told me to buy will not work in my toilet. long-story-long: after sponging up excess water in the tank, unscrewing the water line, and spending 30 minutes trying to loosen the bolt that holds the fill valve in...i have to buy a different part. a part that no hardware store carries (or so they say over the phone). what to do?
well...i didn't throw a massive fit, so that's a win. i merely put all the parts back together as best i could, turned the water back on, and started writing an entirely TOO long and detailed blog to vent my frustration. has anyone even made it all the way through this entry? i know it's been unnecessary...but i just want the world (or the 5 people that read my blog) to know that i TRIED, damnit! i was willing to get dirty and learn toilet-repair-lingo...all to no avail. oh well...i'm going back to sewing!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
miss meows-a-lot
anyone want a free cat? she's 5 years old, beautiful and sweet...and has a lovely, piercing meow. which she vocalizes alot. she may wake you up at 4am every single day, meowing and clawing at your bedroom door...but other than that she's pretty great!
ahhh...i'm only joking of course...i couldn't part with my little Arsala. but i was about to throw her out at 4:30 this morning when she would not stop making noise. especially since i had another interview today...i needed my stress-free beauty rest!
the interview went well. pretty informal...but i like this place. we'll see how it all shakes out. not going to jinx myself by talking about it too much....
in other news, i have a DIY project for tomorrow...my toilet is broken and i'm going to try to repair the damage on my own! the little balloon-y thing (yes, that is the technical description) broke off. this may have happened at 4:30 this morning when i was trying to go back to sleep but couldn't due to the constant sound of running toilet water, along with a meowing cat. anyway, with good intentions i tried to lift the balloon-y thing to stop the water, but apparently i had sleep-deprived strength, and ended up breaking some random piece of plastic. i think it's a do-able fix though. we'll see!
and it's back to the sewing room tomorrow. i may have precious little time left to do the GypsyBird thing full-time, so i need to get it worked out!
ahhh...i'm only joking of course...i couldn't part with my little Arsala. but i was about to throw her out at 4:30 this morning when she would not stop making noise. especially since i had another interview today...i needed my stress-free beauty rest!
the interview went well. pretty informal...but i like this place. we'll see how it all shakes out. not going to jinx myself by talking about it too much....
in other news, i have a DIY project for tomorrow...my toilet is broken and i'm going to try to repair the damage on my own! the little balloon-y thing (yes, that is the technical description) broke off. this may have happened at 4:30 this morning when i was trying to go back to sleep but couldn't due to the constant sound of running toilet water, along with a meowing cat. anyway, with good intentions i tried to lift the balloon-y thing to stop the water, but apparently i had sleep-deprived strength, and ended up breaking some random piece of plastic. i think it's a do-able fix though. we'll see!
and it's back to the sewing room tomorrow. i may have precious little time left to do the GypsyBird thing full-time, so i need to get it worked out!
Monday, April 12, 2010
spring has arrived....
okay, so maybe it arrived a few weeks ago, but i have just recently begun to appreciate this BEAUTIFUL weather! after getting solid confirmation from the handy-manny mechanic at Rapid Muffler in MWC (props to these guys for being honest with me) that Lola is really un-fixable for less than 2grand (so sad)...i went to my folks' house to pout. but instead, we sat outside in the back garden and enjoyed the lovely warm weather and cool breeze.
this inspired me to go home and work on my hellhole of a backyard. since i've seen about 17 spiders and creepy-crawlers in the last week, i decided to spray for bugs first. then i swept off the patio and cleaned out my grill. (note: never spray water into a charcoal grill - it creates a real mess!) i tried to mow the lawn (since a certain roommate of mine hasn't accomplished this task) but i couldn't get the mower to start. i even gave myself a nasty blister doing all this labor! look at me...TCOB. taking care of business!
in other news, tomorrow i have a second interview for a design job. i'm praying for God's will here...if it's meant to be, it will be. i'll update with the results.
i will also have 15 new bags completed very soon! i cut the fabrics out already and just need to cut and fuse all the interfacings and stitch them up! these are perfect spring bags. gotta get them on etsy!
this inspired me to go home and work on my hellhole of a backyard. since i've seen about 17 spiders and creepy-crawlers in the last week, i decided to spray for bugs first. then i swept off the patio and cleaned out my grill. (note: never spray water into a charcoal grill - it creates a real mess!) i tried to mow the lawn (since a certain roommate of mine hasn't accomplished this task) but i couldn't get the mower to start. i even gave myself a nasty blister doing all this labor! look at me...TCOB. taking care of business!
in other news, tomorrow i have a second interview for a design job. i'm praying for God's will here...if it's meant to be, it will be. i'll update with the results.
i will also have 15 new bags completed very soon! i cut the fabrics out already and just need to cut and fuse all the interfacings and stitch them up! these are perfect spring bags. gotta get them on etsy!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
sew sew sew your boat
working away the past few days...a little housework, a little job searching, and a little sewing & patternmaking! ah, i've been busy. alas, it's never busy enough! but, with the help of my fab cousin-in-law i'm this close to having an official GypsyBird logo! then i need to get business cards, a website, and labels. and then an etsy site. and then i'll probably get a full-time job and this will all have to go to a night and weekend thing. yikes.
i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the what-am-i-going-to-do-with-my-life situation. but in order to not think about the heavy stuff for right now, i'm going to cut out bags. i've got fabric & linings picked out for 12 summery, bright clutches...so i'll just keep my hands busy and blast my 'sewing songs' and hope the answers all come to me somehow!
i'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the what-am-i-going-to-do-with-my-life situation. but in order to not think about the heavy stuff for right now, i'm going to cut out bags. i've got fabric & linings picked out for 12 summery, bright clutches...so i'll just keep my hands busy and blast my 'sewing songs' and hope the answers all come to me somehow!
Monday, April 5, 2010
i'm trying to win a website here!
i forgot to mention that while at the WE Inspire conference last week, i entered to win a free website by Main Street Web Development (sitesonmain.com). one lucky winner will get a website designed by them, and since i am really needing gypsybirddesign.com to be developed, i'm hoping it's me! so, i get an additional 5 entries to the contest by mentioning them on my blog...so accept the shameless plug! not to mention, they have a pretty cool website...check them out! once again, the link is:
crazy fan
so i had the interview today...it went well i think. i don't know, i was pretty nervous. but we'll see what happens! hoping for the best. but i will say that i looked great! super-professional-Shea...doesn't happen often.
anyway, tonight i'm happy and watching a Dirty Jobs marathon. if i haven't mentioned this before, i am totally in love with Mike Rowe. he is so dreamy! if only he would come to OKC and fall in love with me...how great would life be?
on a more realistic topic, please check out this very funny and short clip from one of my favorite authors, Jen Lancaster, on her new book "My Fair Lazy". she is such a great writer...totally hilarious and relatable.
last week, in a moment of admiration and bravity, i wrote Jen Lancaster a fan email. i don't normally do this kind of thing...and here's why - in an attempt to wow her with my words, i overlooked the fact that twice i misspelled her name, using 2 "n's". she is snarky and impatient enough (from what i gather in her books) that this is the kind of thing that would completely annoy her. shameful.
so until i can figure out a way to write Mike Rowe and not make an idiot out of myself, i'll just have to continue watching Dirty Jobs and dreaming....
anyway, tonight i'm happy and watching a Dirty Jobs marathon. if i haven't mentioned this before, i am totally in love with Mike Rowe. he is so dreamy! if only he would come to OKC and fall in love with me...how great would life be?
on a more realistic topic, please check out this very funny and short clip from one of my favorite authors, Jen Lancaster, on her new book "My Fair Lazy". she is such a great writer...totally hilarious and relatable.
last week, in a moment of admiration and bravity, i wrote Jen Lancaster a fan email. i don't normally do this kind of thing...and here's why - in an attempt to wow her with my words, i overlooked the fact that twice i misspelled her name, using 2 "n's". she is snarky and impatient enough (from what i gather in her books) that this is the kind of thing that would completely annoy her. shameful.
so until i can figure out a way to write Mike Rowe and not make an idiot out of myself, i'll just have to continue watching Dirty Jobs and dreaming....
Sunday, April 4, 2010
nervous nellie
happy Easter blog world! today was a beautiful day to celebrate faith, family and food. and we can't forget the eggs...lots and lots of eggs. we hid-and-sought 125 Easter eggs today. it was work! but the precious, beautiful kids in my family make it totally worth it.
i have had a busy few days with job hunting and preparing for a big interview tomorrow. i'm excited for the opportunity, and just hope it works out the way it's supposed to. :) whatever that means!
i'm at a loss for words tonight...distracted and nervous about tomorrow i guess. gotta shake it off and wow the potential employers!
i have had a busy few days with job hunting and preparing for a big interview tomorrow. i'm excited for the opportunity, and just hope it works out the way it's supposed to. :) whatever that means!
i'm at a loss for words tonight...distracted and nervous about tomorrow i guess. gotta shake it off and wow the potential employers!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
WE Inspire
yesterday i attended the Women Entrepreneurs (WE) Inspire Conference here in OKC. it was pretty awesome to listen to so many successful, powerful women speak about how they got to where they are. determination and confidence, as well as fear and desperation were recurring themes from all the speakers. it's amazing what you can do when you believe it's do-able. these women all own and run multi-million dollar companies now, but most started out in a similar spot that i'm in - jobless, broke and uncertain about the future. and interestingly enough, many of their businesses were started during recessions or economic hardships. necessity breeds success?
so basically what i learned is that in order to succeed: i'm going to have to work HARD; believe in myself ALOT- get super confident and sell myself, my talent, and my products; ask for help & accept it; and be really confident. did i mention confidence? turns out, i'm the only one who can make things happen for me, and if i don't buck up and realize that i'm awesome - who else will? :)
so in the wise words of Stuart Smalley, "I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am an attractive person. I am fun to be with..."
yep, i'm going to do good work today and make bags people want to buy! because, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!"
so basically what i learned is that in order to succeed: i'm going to have to work HARD; believe in myself ALOT- get super confident and sell myself, my talent, and my products; ask for help & accept it; and be really confident. did i mention confidence? turns out, i'm the only one who can make things happen for me, and if i don't buck up and realize that i'm awesome - who else will? :)
so in the wise words of Stuart Smalley, "I deserve good things. I am entitled to my share of happiness. I refuse to beat myself up. I am an attractive person. I am fun to be with..."
yep, i'm going to do good work today and make bags people want to buy! because, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and, doggonit, people like me!"
Friday, March 26, 2010
we're going to be POSITIVE! positive, positive, positive!
i had kind of an epiphany last night, with the help of a heart-to-heart with my best buddy/would-be-soulmate if she were a dude. here it is - the RIGHT choice is very rarely the EASY one. good things are hard. the good, smart decisions aren't always fun. but they are better.
it started out as a discussion about a nameless someone to whom i've been considering giving a second chance. and i've made the smart, hard, (and yes, lonely) decision that it's NOT going to happen. i mean, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, right? so, if a dude hasn't changed, why would things between us change? but hell, i haven't changed either! can't project all the blame. anyway, in the long run, being alone is better than feeling like you're letting yourself down. so i have really made the decision - and i'm going to stick to it. too often i think, "oh this isn't smart...but i'll do it anyway because it's fun." well, not this time suckers!
this applies to life in general too. if i want to get anywhere in this temporary little life, i'm going to have to start making some changes! make the right choices - develop good habits. and get off my big kiester and DO things instead of TALKING about doing them.
it started out as a discussion about a nameless someone to whom i've been considering giving a second chance. and i've made the smart, hard, (and yes, lonely) decision that it's NOT going to happen. i mean, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result, right? so, if a dude hasn't changed, why would things between us change? but hell, i haven't changed either! can't project all the blame. anyway, in the long run, being alone is better than feeling like you're letting yourself down. so i have really made the decision - and i'm going to stick to it. too often i think, "oh this isn't smart...but i'll do it anyway because it's fun." well, not this time suckers!
this applies to life in general too. if i want to get anywhere in this temporary little life, i'm going to have to start making some changes! make the right choices - develop good habits. and get off my big kiester and DO things instead of TALKING about doing them.
so, in that vain, here is a photo of the bag i just finished. i think this is my new favorite:
more to come....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood
well, i had a great weekend with the gang...the change of scenery was definitely a good thing. the frenzied shoppers, crazy weather and diabolical traffic weren't so great, but what're ya gonna do? the gals and i had profound discussions about how much life has changed and how it will soon be a different world for one of us; and how "great" 30 has been for everybody. yea, i had to give my BFFs a bit of hell on that one since in my 30th year i've been dumped, lost my job, and killed my car. (heheh, love you BMac!) there was also lots of silliness and flapdoodle about farting dogs, the good ol' days, and other random things. it was time well spent, i tell you.
and i'd like to make note of a milestone in my life: i found an AMAZING pair of shoes...and didn't buy them. yep, the girl with a closet full of shoes actually made a wise financial decision and didn't add to the collection. this is serious, folks- because i really wanted them! actually, i'm kind of obsessed. and maybe i've spent about 10 hours since i got home trying to find them somewhere, anywhere online. alas, they were the phantom shoe - apparently the Rack had the only pair in existence. and yes, i grumbled for about 4 hours after i put them back on the shelf...boy, i have really amazing friends to put up with me!
ok, ok...enough with the shoes. (but they were so great!) i had to go to the Unemployment office yesterday. what an experience, yet again. the highlight of the meeting was after saying i might be interested in teaching, the "employment specialist" referred me to an Accounting Professor position at a university. oh yes (insert sarcasm), i've always been interested in Accounting...though i'm not really good with numbers or how they go together, i do have a calculator...i should be qualified, yeah? good grief.
today was good though. despite some technical sewing difficulties, and the beautiful warm spring day, i made another bag. i also cleaned my house AND went to the gym! productivity is great. but by the end of the week, i must have 10 more bags done. it's well beyond time to get serious.
and i'd like to make note of a milestone in my life: i found an AMAZING pair of shoes...and didn't buy them. yep, the girl with a closet full of shoes actually made a wise financial decision and didn't add to the collection. this is serious, folks- because i really wanted them! actually, i'm kind of obsessed. and maybe i've spent about 10 hours since i got home trying to find them somewhere, anywhere online. alas, they were the phantom shoe - apparently the Rack had the only pair in existence. and yes, i grumbled for about 4 hours after i put them back on the shelf...boy, i have really amazing friends to put up with me!
ok, ok...enough with the shoes. (but they were so great!) i had to go to the Unemployment office yesterday. what an experience, yet again. the highlight of the meeting was after saying i might be interested in teaching, the "employment specialist" referred me to an Accounting Professor position at a university. oh yes (insert sarcasm), i've always been interested in Accounting...though i'm not really good with numbers or how they go together, i do have a calculator...i should be qualified, yeah? good grief.
today was good though. despite some technical sewing difficulties, and the beautiful warm spring day, i made another bag. i also cleaned my house AND went to the gym! productivity is great. but by the end of the week, i must have 10 more bags done. it's well beyond time to get serious.
Friday, March 19, 2010
well, i'm off today to spend the weekend with friends. road trip (albeit a short one), two of my best buds, a bit of shopping (without spending any money- ugh!), and some wining and dining. should be a good time! and we're off soon, so i gotta go pack! ciao, blog world!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
yesterday i went down to Norman and browsed around some of the cute little shops at Campus Corner. i definitely got inspired...i want a piece of the handmade-nieche-market pie! there could be so many opportunities to get my stuff in stores down there. well, everywhere around OKC really.
but i am constantly thinking of other things to do and distracting myself. why am i holding myself back from doing what i love to do? fear of success? fear of failure? guilt? ugh, who knows. all i know is i'm letting something persuade me not to get things done. this period of unemployment is such a blessing really, because i have the time to get products made and explore my options.
sigh...i know i'm supposed to be funny and talk about all the projects i'm working on...but apparently my biggest project is myself. well, i could psycho-analyze all day...but for now, i better get my Bernina fired up and stitch away.
but i am constantly thinking of other things to do and distracting myself. why am i holding myself back from doing what i love to do? fear of success? fear of failure? guilt? ugh, who knows. all i know is i'm letting something persuade me not to get things done. this period of unemployment is such a blessing really, because i have the time to get products made and explore my options.
sigh...i know i'm supposed to be funny and talk about all the projects i'm working on...but apparently my biggest project is myself. well, i could psycho-analyze all day...but for now, i better get my Bernina fired up and stitch away.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
yea, i was pretty much right on. i learned that i shouldn't wear sweatpants to an interview. that i should treat potential employers with respect. i should spell-check my resume. what else...oh! i now know ALL about how to answer questions about previous felony convictions. that was a pretty hot topic.
seriously...this is what it's come to.
seriously...this is what it's come to.
oh boy....
so i have a mandatory appointment at the Unemployment office this morning to complete an "online job search course." should be loads of fun! i'm guessing it'll go something like this: "this is the world wide web. this is how you send an email. this is how you post a resume. this is Monster.com."
okay, so maybe i'm being a little negative. we'll see....
okay, so maybe i'm being a little negative. we'll see....
Monday, March 15, 2010
another Monday...already?
oy, it's hard to find motivation today! cloudy weather and a headache lead to me sitting on my keister, watching tv. not to mention, i've put so much pressure on myself to be productive this week. it seems i always do this...when i expect alot from myself, i shut down instead of produce....
but saying it out loud (i talk to myself while i type) kinda makes me realize how ridiculous i am. so instead of continuing to watch countless episodes of "The Baby Story" on TLC (seriously - i don't know what's wrong with me), i'll try to be worthwhile. so how about i cut, sew, job hunt, and maybe make some lunch.
but saying it out loud (i talk to myself while i type) kinda makes me realize how ridiculous i am. so instead of continuing to watch countless episodes of "The Baby Story" on TLC (seriously - i don't know what's wrong with me), i'll try to be worthwhile. so how about i cut, sew, job hunt, and maybe make some lunch.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
thoughts, reviews and such....
so the past few days have been pretty busy. did some shopping with Mom yesterday - don't worry, it was only for some necessities! well, ok...except for the fabric. we went to this hole of a fabric store on the South Siiide of OKC and found some REALLY cheap stuff.
on the left is striped silk dupioni that will be great for linings in clutches. then there was this amazing neutral, printed cotton with the ships and script (i'm obsessed with ships for some really weird reason). then the orange & white herringbone-ish print and retro zig-zagy trim were only $1/yd! can't pass up a bargain that has so much potential!
after the bargain-hunting, i went on a "date" with my cousin. she and her hubby took me to dinner (Iguana Lounge - yum), then she and i went to go see Alice in Wonderland in 3-D. i'd never seen a movie in 3-D before...and i've really been missing out! the show was great (who doesn't love crazy Johnny Depp), and the costumes and scenery were crazy amazing. i was totally inspired! made me want to live in my own fairy tale....
but today i had to snap out of la-la-land. i had to clean all my stuff out of the ol' Corolla. since we don't know when poor Lola will be going to that big car lot in the sky, Dad and i are trading out vehicles (until i get a job and can get a new one). he doesn't travel very far to and from work, and if Lola decides to die on him, he's less likely to be stranded on the side of the road, clueless and crying. i am seriously blessed to have such an amazing family. don't know why i'm so lucky!
after the bargain-hunting, i went on a "date" with my cousin. she and her hubby took me to dinner (Iguana Lounge - yum), then she and i went to go see Alice in Wonderland in 3-D. i'd never seen a movie in 3-D before...and i've really been missing out! the show was great (who doesn't love crazy Johnny Depp), and the costumes and scenery were crazy amazing. i was totally inspired! made me want to live in my own fairy tale....
but today i had to snap out of la-la-land. i had to clean all my stuff out of the ol' Corolla. since we don't know when poor Lola will be going to that big car lot in the sky, Dad and i are trading out vehicles (until i get a job and can get a new one). he doesn't travel very far to and from work, and if Lola decides to die on him, he's less likely to be stranded on the side of the road, clueless and crying. i am seriously blessed to have such an amazing family. don't know why i'm so lucky!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
handsome men's club
okay, i just have to add this for today - pretty hilarious. and not bad to look at!
jade is the new black
just had to put up a pic of my new favorite nail polish, "Jade is the New Black" from the OPI Hong Kong collection. i thought green nails might be weird...but i dig it. very springy.
yep, i have to take delight in the small things. i hoped those days might be over, because i actually bought a Powerball ticket yesterday! man, i really thought it was my time! i was bargaining with God...trying to make deals about how much i would donate to charities. but alas, it didn't work. oh well...maybe next time i buy a ticket (in like 6 months). until then, i'll continue to talk endlessly to all my family and friends about how awesome it would be to win millions of dollars. when did i become so illogical?
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
it's business time....
well, it took me a few days to get over the whole car ordeal. i mean, poor Lola still isn't fixed...i just had to mentally deal with the fact that i can't take care of everything on my own! argh. but here i am, ready to borrow money from my folks and pray and cross my fingers and knock on wood that my little car will last me another year or so after i replace the engine!
also, i've been a busy little bee in my "studio". i've made a few clutches that i'm pretty excited about:
it's just a start, so i need to keep sewing and build up an inventory. the plan is to give out about 10 free samples to friends and people-who-know-people. i'll give them some cards with my etsy site (soon-to-be-built) and contact info, and then i'll make a million dollars! okay, that might be a bit of a jump...but hopefully i can sell some and pay the bills! :) and most of you guys reading this blog are the ones who get a freebie! so start thinking about to whom (is that proper grammar?) you can show off your hand-crafted designer clutch; who will in turn envy you so much they just have to have one (or ten) of their own!

Saturday, March 6, 2010
when it rains it pours....
today is no good. i've got a sinus-infection/allergy thing, and i'm stuffy and my chest burns. and i started hearing a knocking noise in my car yesterday, so i took her (Lola the Corolla) to my trusty car-fixer-guys this morning. turns out A) i had to have the right CV-joint-axle-whatever replaced, because my wheel was literally about to fall off (who knew?) and B) i need a new engine. yep, i said a new engine. how much does that suck? $2,500 worth, that's how much! i'd rather buy a new car since Lola has 130,000 miles...but who's going to finance a loan for an unemployed, single designer? no one, that's who! so, luckily i have very gracious and loving parents who are willing to loan me the money. but i HATE not being able to take care of myself. worst. feeling. ever.
on the positive side, the cutey owner of the car place said he really liked my hair...so at least he threw me a compliment while ruining my day! (btw, my hair does look pretty cute today. my new bangs are awesome- hmm, i need a new pic- and i've got loose, slept-on curls...always better the second day.)
but i did get to see my perfectly wonderful, brilliant niece this morning. she's 15 months and she's hilarious. and beautiful. and makes me smile. and i'm having dinner with my best buddy, who is in town. so...i should perk up.
but i still feel like poop. (somebody call the wah-mbulance! as my other beautiful, brilliant niece would say.)
on the positive side, the cutey owner of the car place said he really liked my hair...so at least he threw me a compliment while ruining my day! (btw, my hair does look pretty cute today. my new bangs are awesome- hmm, i need a new pic- and i've got loose, slept-on curls...always better the second day.)
but i did get to see my perfectly wonderful, brilliant niece this morning. she's 15 months and she's hilarious. and beautiful. and makes me smile. and i'm having dinner with my best buddy, who is in town. so...i should perk up.
but i still feel like poop. (somebody call the wah-mbulance! as my other beautiful, brilliant niece would say.)
Friday, March 5, 2010
"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"
-Psalm 118:24
i woke up with that little ditty in my head...starting out with a positive outlook today!
i'm sitting in my tiny office/sewing room that i like to call my "studio" (makes me feel more like an artist), listening to my "Sewing Songs" playlist, drinking coffee, and watching Arsala stretch out in the window. she loves to sunbathe.
-Psalm 118:24
i woke up with that little ditty in my head...starting out with a positive outlook today!
i'm sitting in my tiny office/sewing room that i like to call my "studio" (makes me feel more like an artist), listening to my "Sewing Songs" playlist, drinking coffee, and watching Arsala stretch out in the window. she loves to sunbathe.
looks like she's trying to catch the little birds on the curtain, huh?
and here's Cisco, hanging out in the bathroom (can't post pics of one kitty and not the other).
he doesn't really like me to take his picture.....
anyway, today i must finish at least one bag. i'm going out to dinner tonight (Tana Thai...yum!), and would like to start spreading the word about the stuff i'm making! so i'm off....
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