well, i had a great weekend with the gang...the change of scenery was definitely a good thing. the frenzied shoppers, crazy weather and diabolical traffic weren't so great, but what're ya gonna do? the gals and i had profound discussions about how much life has changed and how it will soon be a different world for one of us; and how "great" 30 has been for everybody. yea, i had to give my BFFs a bit of hell on that one since in my 30th year i've been dumped, lost my job, and killed my car. (heheh, love you BMac!) there was also lots of silliness and flapdoodle about farting dogs, the good ol' days, and other random things. it was time well spent, i tell you.
and i'd like to make note of a milestone in my life: i found an AMAZING pair of shoes...and didn't buy them. yep, the girl with a closet full of shoes actually made a wise financial decision and didn't add to the collection. this is serious, folks- because i really wanted them! actually, i'm kind of obsessed. and maybe i've spent about 10 hours since i got home trying to find them somewhere, anywhere online. alas, they were the phantom shoe - apparently the Rack had the only pair in existence. and yes, i grumbled for about 4 hours after i put them back on the shelf...boy, i have really amazing friends to put up with me!
ok, ok...enough with the shoes. (but they were so great!) i had to go to the Unemployment office yesterday. what an experience, yet again. the highlight of the meeting was after saying i might be interested in teaching, the "employment specialist" referred me to an Accounting Professor position at a university. oh yes (insert sarcasm), i've always been interested in Accounting...though i'm not really good with numbers or how they go together, i do have a calculator...i should be qualified, yeah? good grief.
today was good though. despite some technical sewing difficulties, and the beautiful warm spring day, i made another bag. i also cleaned my house AND went to the gym! productivity is great. but by the end of the week, i must have 10 more bags done. it's well beyond time to get serious.
That's what I'm talkin' bout blog dawg!