Sunday, October 10, 2010

life lately...

so i have some catching up to do!  it's already Sunday night...the weekends just go by much too fast.  i'm working on laundry, just got done paying bills...oh the fun i have!  but i can't complain.  i had a great weekend and got to spend lots of time with my fabulous family. delicious chicken parm with my bro and sis-in-law and amazing niece Friday; shopping with mom on Saturday, then dinner again at my bro's that night.  they are really too good to me!  i'm pretty lucky they don't mind having me around so much.  ;)  and finally, steak dinner tonight with my folks and the gang.  if only too much homework hadn't kept my other brilliant niece at home, it would have been perfect!
so...let's catch up:
i had a lovely evening recently with my artist and sock-designing buddies...T, MC and i have started a mini-cult.  we get together and discuss The Artists Way, dreams of being our own bosses, and other random silliness.  here are a few pics of our get-together....
our crazy doodles on the chalk wall...
the Vampire merlot that T surprised me with.  i'm getting a bad reputation!  but it was delish.
it's my turn to host this week!  i need to get a nice little menu planned.  and i have got to clean this house!
silly me...i almost forgot to mention my fellow ya-ya sister pants cult mates' blog and website!  check out Taryn's fabulously fun blog: and shop MC's creative and whimsical pillows and stationery at
fabulous ladies they are!

what else...ah yes, New York New York!  i had a very quick trip there last week.  got to stay with my good buddy for a day and half.  we lived there together once upon a time...10 years ago.  gah, it doesn't feel real that much time has passed!  i have to say...31 in NY is a much different feeling than 21 in NY.  as amazing as it is...i've learned in my older age that i am definitely an Oklahoma girl.  i like my personal space and quiet time.  there isn't much of that up there.  but i reallly did have a good time!  as previously mentioned, we went to see The XX.  pretty amazing show. 
and then i had to work.  blah blah blah. 

what else?  oh, some jerk hit my car!  poor Olive.  4 months old and already a big dent and scratched paint.  ugh.

and then here's a happy, cute mom made my niece a sweet little winter hat.  so precious!
i thought Stella, her cat, might like to wear it for a bit.  she didn't. 

well, that's all for now.  my brain is scattered...stupid Law & Order is distracting me!

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