instead of trying to make any sort of sense, i'll just post some erratic thoughts:
1- i've got a case of the Mondays, even though i reckon i might get my ass kicked for sayin' somethin' like that...(quoting the hick neighbor, Lawrence from Office Space)
2- why does every crime/cop show on tv have an episode where someone gets buried alive? and why is Ryan Reynolds about to be in a movie where this is the entire premise? what is the fascination with this? i don't get it.
3- i find out this Friday if i made it into the Deluxe OK show. if i didn't make it, prepare for a trunk show of my bags and goods. i mean "trunk show" literally - Taryn and i are going to sell bags and pillows out of our cars in the parking lot if that's what it takes!
4- last night's post could have been much more interesting and well written if i had just turned off the tv. blasted thing has too much power over me!
5- i remembered a few things about my NY trip: while having a late lunch, we saw Chris March (the plus-size drag queen from Project Runway a few seasons ago). it wasn't quite as exciting as seeing Uma Thurman in Central Park on a Sunday morning 10 years ago, and having her look at KD and i and laugh (and/or scoff) because we were obviously still in our clothes from the night before...but it was still a celebrity sighting. secondly, on my flight from NYC to Houston i believe i saw Santa Clause - he is a flight attendant for Continental. seriously. old man- slight belly- big white beard. he was not jolly though - i don't think he was happy about having to pick up a second job.
6- i am giving up tanning beds once again. once and for all, i should say. i was a "tanorexic" (what a silly word) many years ago, and reached an unnatural state of brown for my normally fair skin. then i wised up and quit for about 5 years. aaaaand, then i got started again. it really is addicting! it's like 15 minutes of heaven. okay, that's an overstatement...but it is like 15 minutes of sweaty zen. anyway, i haven't tanned in about 4 months...not sure why i skipped doing it in the summer? eh, the point is the membership i've been paying for finally ran out this month! and i have finally learned my lesson and will not go back. my skin thanks you mom and Ang! your scowls and eye rolls at the slightest appearance of a tan may have well saved my hide!
that's all, folks!
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