Saturday, October 30, 2010

trick or treat...

so it's Halloween night and i'm trying to sew-sew-work while handing out candy to all the kiddies in the 'hood.  i'm sure little Cisco and Arsala are on the edge of hysteria, considering they reach a new level of freak-out every time the doorbell rings, and it has ding-donged about one hundred times tonight.  poor kitties.... 

i don't know why, but i've never really gotten into the whole Halloween bonanza.  it doesn't make much sense since i'm a designer and a total escapist.  you'd think i would delight in having the opportunity to pretend to be someone else and make a costume for it!  eh, not so much.  i think young Shea liked Halloween...but it was probably just the buzz from all the candy.  by the way...since when do kids not even bother with a costume, but still expect a handful of chocolate just for walking around with a WalMart sack and saying "trick or treat"?  (or is that just my neighborhood?!)  now sure, i was Madonna, circa Like a Virgin, for two or three years in a row...but i was a fan, and at least i tried! 
but all Grinchy-witchyness aside, i'll admit that considering how crazy expensive the candy is, the costumes are probably why blame a parent for shoo-ing the kids out the door for some un-costumed candy grabbing.

well anyway, enough of that.  Deluxe is quickly approaching, and i'm realizing that getting into my studio and making all these bags is really turning into a chore.  once i have any sort of obligation, i start to shut down...some spin-off of my crazy commitment issues?  but i'm bucking up, thinking positive, and being productive!  well, fairly productive's what i've done today, and tomorrow i'll do more!  Happy Halloween blog-land!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

you've got the love...

still listening to my beloved Florence + the Machine...trying to get some inspiration and motivation to sew sew work!  i've had an exhausting week at the 8-5.  deadline after truly never stops in Sock World!  after designing tights and knee high socks for 12 hours Monday, my week in real life has basically been shot!  still trying to catch up after that.  oy, this just shows that i'm getting old!  i used to work constantly and sleep for only a few hours a night.  oh, the good ol' days!

anywhoo, i'm still wrapping my head around all that must be done to prepare for the Deluxe show.  it's daunting, but i'm quite excited!  so in that vain, i better get off here and go sew a bag...or else i'll be tempted to just go watch The Office and 30 Rock.  no worries though...i'm DVR'ng them! 

Saturday, October 16, 2010

it's official....

big news....huge!  i've been accepted into the Deluxe Indie Craft Bazaar!!!  it's official...i have a real business (part-time on the side).  my little GypsyBird is getting wings...and i have 8 weeks to get ready to fly!  i can't believe it's really all happening-  i'm going to be in a great venue where i can sell and promote my lovingly handmade creations.  so crazy.  this is what i've been dreaming of and working towards...and now to be honest, i'm a bit terrified!  biggest concern:  i've got to really figure out the business side of things.  taxes, business registration, taking payments, etc. etc.  secondly:  i have to get a lot of product made!  but i'm so excited to really make this happen!  
i must say that without the loving support of my amazing family and my dear friends, and the confidence that God has a plan for me, i would never have even tried to do this.  i'm so grateful for all the love in my life!  (ok, that sounds like i'm accepting an award...but i'm not erasing it because it's sincere!)

anyway, my artist cult/sock world buddies also made it in, so get ready to see The Bungalow Studio and WonderLove, too!

for now, check Deluxe for more info, but be sure i'll be keeping you updated on news, as well as my progress (and possible freak-outs) in getting ready for the show! 

 also...i made a few little updates to  be sure to keep checking in the coming months to see new product!

Monday, October 11, 2010

new design...

changed up the design of my page...i like the birds, of course! 
hopefully this doesn't throw off my loyal followers!  ;)

random thoughts...

instead of trying to make any sort of sense, i'll just post some erratic thoughts:

1- i've got a case of the Mondays, even though i reckon i might get my ass kicked for sayin' somethin' like that...(quoting the hick neighbor, Lawrence from Office Space)

2- why does every crime/cop show on tv have an episode where someone gets buried alive?  and why is Ryan Reynolds about to be in a movie where this is the entire premise?  what is the fascination with this?  i don't get it.

3- i find out this Friday if i made it into the Deluxe OK show.  if i didn't make it, prepare for a trunk show of my bags and goods.  i mean "trunk show" literally - Taryn and i are going to sell bags and pillows out of our cars in the parking lot if that's what it takes! 

4- last night's post could have been much more interesting and well written if i had just turned off the tv.  blasted thing has too much power over me!

5- i remembered a few things about my NY trip:  while having a late lunch, we saw Chris March (the plus-size drag queen from Project Runway a few seasons ago).  it wasn't quite as exciting as seeing Uma Thurman in Central Park on a Sunday morning 10 years ago, and having her look at KD and i and laugh (and/or scoff) because we were obviously still in our clothes from the night before...but it was still a celebrity sighting.  secondly, on my flight from NYC to Houston i believe i saw Santa Clause - he is a flight attendant for Continental.  seriously.  old man- slight belly- big white beard.  he was not jolly though - i don't think he was happy about having to pick up a second job.
6- i am giving up tanning beds once again.  once and for all, i should say.  i was a "tanorexic" (what a silly word) many years ago, and reached an unnatural state of brown for my normally fair skin.  then i wised up and quit for about 5 years.  aaaaand, then i got started again.  it really is addicting!  it's like 15 minutes of heaven.  okay, that's an overstatement...but it is like 15 minutes of sweaty zen.  anyway, i haven't tanned in about 4 months...not sure why i skipped doing it in the summer?  eh, the point is the membership i've been paying for finally ran out this month!  and i have finally learned my lesson and will not go back.  my skin thanks you mom and Ang!  your scowls and eye rolls at the slightest appearance of a tan may have well saved my hide! 

that's all, folks!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

life lately...

so i have some catching up to do!  it's already Sunday night...the weekends just go by much too fast.  i'm working on laundry, just got done paying bills...oh the fun i have!  but i can't complain.  i had a great weekend and got to spend lots of time with my fabulous family. delicious chicken parm with my bro and sis-in-law and amazing niece Friday; shopping with mom on Saturday, then dinner again at my bro's that night.  they are really too good to me!  i'm pretty lucky they don't mind having me around so much.  ;)  and finally, steak dinner tonight with my folks and the gang.  if only too much homework hadn't kept my other brilliant niece at home, it would have been perfect!
so...let's catch up:
i had a lovely evening recently with my artist and sock-designing buddies...T, MC and i have started a mini-cult.  we get together and discuss The Artists Way, dreams of being our own bosses, and other random silliness.  here are a few pics of our get-together....
our crazy doodles on the chalk wall...
the Vampire merlot that T surprised me with.  i'm getting a bad reputation!  but it was delish.
it's my turn to host this week!  i need to get a nice little menu planned.  and i have got to clean this house!
silly me...i almost forgot to mention my fellow ya-ya sister pants cult mates' blog and website!  check out Taryn's fabulously fun blog: and shop MC's creative and whimsical pillows and stationery at
fabulous ladies they are!

what else...ah yes, New York New York!  i had a very quick trip there last week.  got to stay with my good buddy for a day and half.  we lived there together once upon a time...10 years ago.  gah, it doesn't feel real that much time has passed!  i have to say...31 in NY is a much different feeling than 21 in NY.  as amazing as it is...i've learned in my older age that i am definitely an Oklahoma girl.  i like my personal space and quiet time.  there isn't much of that up there.  but i reallly did have a good time!  as previously mentioned, we went to see The XX.  pretty amazing show. 
and then i had to work.  blah blah blah. 

what else?  oh, some jerk hit my car!  poor Olive.  4 months old and already a big dent and scratched paint.  ugh.

and then here's a happy, cute mom made my niece a sweet little winter hat.  so precious!
i thought Stella, her cat, might like to wear it for a bit.  she didn't. 

well, that's all for now.  my brain is scattered...stupid Law & Order is distracting me!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

let's have a toast....

so it seems like i've been gone for a week.  but three days in NYC equal a week in the real world i think.  it was great and i have stories to tell...but must wait until tomorrow because i have piddled my evening away cleaning my crazy house and buying new music on iTunes.  and a few books on Amazon.  and e-shopping for new fall boots because i just can't help myself!  eek!  spending too much money and time.
in music news, i'm obsessing over Florence + the Machine, The XX, and Warpaint right now.  saw the latter two in concert at an old church north of Harlem this weekend...pretty great.  more on that later. 
off to read my vampire book and doze off...only 9 more hours til another day in sock land.  do i have to??

Saturday, October 2, 2010

on my way...

to good ol' New York. Waiting to board my flight at Will Rogers and I am a sleepy girl! Had to get up at 4.30am...oy vey! But I made it in that's a good start to the trip! The bad thing is, I have this nagging cough due to my crazy allergies, that I'm sure the other passengers are psyched about. ;)
Well blogging on my Blackberry isn't the easiest, so I'll have lots to post when I come home! Toodles!