today feels...sort of, perfect. i feel (dare i say it) happy! inspired. kind of serene. the weather has just been amazing this week. and although during the week i sit in a cube inside a building with no windows for 9 hours a day, it's still been comforting to know the sun is shining and the weather is nice. i woke up very late this Sunday morning to a sort of cloudy day, but it's still bright and warm. the house is quiet, save for the whirring of ceiling fans and purring of kitties. oh how i wish this was my every day life!
my two fabulous artist buddies and i spent yesterday afternoon dyeing. oh, dyeing fabric that is. it was so great to finally get out all of my dyes and chemicals and silk that i haven't touched since Grad school. Mom and i have talked about dyeing about one hundred times, but it just hasn't happened. so finally the motivation struck, and the gals and i hung out in my back yard in crazy aprons/lab coats & rubber gloves, and made a mess, experimented with colors, and made some really beautiful fabric! doesn't get better.
and now i sit and think...what am i going to do with the dyed fabric? linings for bags? not sure if china silk will hold up for long-term use. but with the right amount and weight of interfacing it might be okay. i'm also thinking of using the little "test" pieces for appliques on exteriors of bags. or just making some fun mini-fiber art pieces. doing some embroidery/applique/beading....
who knows. i'll post pics when inspiration strikes!
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