Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it's not the death of a blog...

i'm just uninspired!  and in pain.  i broke my foot a month ago, which led to a surgery where i had to have a screw put in a joint/bone (ouch).  in all honesty, you'd think that with all the endless hours of sitting on my couch with my foot elevated, i'd have had the time to do some blogging.  but i definitely wasn't in the right frame of mind.  i admit, i've abandoned my dear blog.  but i think of it often, if that counts....?
i've also abandoned any further work on Gypsy Bird...a borken foot is not conducive to a sewing extravaganza.  blurgh...
i have watched hours and hours of 30 Rock episodes on  that show is so great.  gotta love the endless negativism of Liz Lemon.  and i admit, i've been reading lots of vampire books.  gotta keep up with that obsession!  and i've started a new thing with art-journaling.  it's interesting, and a great way to get creative while sitting on your kiester.  i'll post pics of some of my pages if i get brave enough to's a bit like a diary. 

but, i'm getting back on track here.  well, i'm trying....we'll see what happens next!  in the meantime, would you like to see some fairly disgusting pics of my broken foot?  scroll down if so...if not- well, i apologize.  :)  this is all that's been going on with my life!  (p.s.- please pardon my hobbit feet...this injury happened pre-spring pedicure.) 

day of injury...shall i explain HOW this happened?  Sock Land hosted a 1 minute free throw competition in celebration of March Madness.  in 1 minute, i was hit in the face with a basketball, and then in flustered humiliation, i tripped, rolled my foot and broke the joint of my 5th metatarsal.  but i got up and attempted a few more shots!  and missed.  i am not an athlete.

evening of day 1.  swelling is spreading out and bruising. 

day 2.  further swelling, bruising and general disgustingness.

day after the surgery.  in a very uncomfortable splint.  note: see my laptop on the left?  that's Jack D's arm in a shot from 30 Rock.  :)  told you i'd been watching!

a week after surgery.  splint removed - stitches about to get taken out.  so sick!
looks like some kind of freak show huh?  really, i know these are so gross...but it's a bit fascinating i think?  and here's an update...i finally gave myself a pedicure, thank God!  i look almost human again.

well, sadly this is all i have for now.  i'll have something artistic or maybe i'll attempt funny next time.  til then!

p.s. i must say GO THUNDER!  i'm typing this while watching the final moments of game 5...OKC Thunder kicks the Nuggets!  great game...great team! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

to friends....

just a quick post to get back in the swing of things.  here's an uplifting quote i came across last night:

"let us be grateful to people who make us happy;  they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
-Marcel Proust

how lovely....